A Little Deconstructive Criticism
So Tim sends me email yesterday:
Ok, I'm not trolling here, I really want to learn something.
Came across http://scienceblogs.com/goodmath/2006/11/the_c_is_efficient_language_fa.php which states among other things that C/C++ are no good for numerical computing.
The quote that got me wondering was "In fact, the fundamental design of them makes it pretty much impossible to make really good, efficient code in C/C++".
He quotes an experiment he did where his OCaml implementation of some algorithm beat his C implementation and his C++ implementation of the same language. (Aside, the Java and Python implementations were crushed by these first three).
Clearly that's gibberish because C is basically a macro assembler and can do anything. This reminds me of when Keith Lea that said Java was faster than C++ . . . because he wrote all of his C++ naively with the most obvious approach instead of the most efficient. He was open to the having an email discussion, however, but IIRC he seemed determined that I was unfairly making the C++ faster or equal because I was a good programmer.
In this most recent example, Mark makes a similar error in his analysis. His sample code loop exploits limitations of the particular optimizer he was using and not the language. It sounds like this OCaml is just an array and matrix aware language that has high-level constructs for such. And obviously, OCaml is implemented in C. So clearly C, given the right optimizer (in this case OCaml), performs on an equal footing.
Nobody in their right mind writes C++ code with raw arrays as primitives. And this leads to The Eternal Flaw in language comparisons as I always see them. People are always saying, "Language X is better than Language Y because of [insert library feature here]." Just because a language's standard distribution does not come with a library piece you need to do your thing well does not mean that language is no good. Get the right tools for the job, people. Some specialized domains can benefit from the expressive power of a specially-tuned language. Some languages (like C++) have the ability to be effectively extended by letting libraries overload their native notational forms and thus offer what looks like a specialized language but actually isn't (Boost.Spirit being the most extreme example I know of).
As an aside, most of the problems I have with Java are to do with the fact that it is not as extensible, and, more importantly, tends to force a paradigm (classic OO, typically) instead of offer tools. To me, Java is a framework and C++ is a toolbox.
I was disappointed to see that the poster of the comment Tim refered to lists himself as a Computer Scientist, but doesn't seem to have applied the scientific method. It certainly looks like he's saying "I did one experiment on one case and it proves C sucks." I would say the weight of his argument is outweighed by the strength of his evidence (i.e. it has none).